Treats For Mother’s Day

This coming Sunday is Mother’s Day in the United States – are you ready? What I have found over the years is that the item that many grown kids think is Mom’s favorite gift, is not really what she’d like to have the most. In spite of what Hallmark tells us, maybe flowers aren’t her…

Don’t Let Chronic Worry/Stress Bring on Early Dementia!

Take a minute to think about how much time you spend worrying. It’s important. Are you stressed out and worried all the time? Most of the time? Some of the time? Rarely? Chronic worry can paralyze us and bring on anxiety disorders. New studies have shown that “Chronic stress is associated with impaired functioning of…

Halloween Fun Just For You!

Recently, a reader remarked that much of what I discuss and share in these posts is very serious. Although I attempt to bring a bit of humor into my writing, it’s true that relieving back pain or preventing dementia is something that I take very seriously, and I share anything I learn which can help…

OK – So, Who Pissed Off Mother Nature?!

I’m not sure what Mother Nature is attempting to tell us with all these recent events, but… In light of these natural disasters occurring all over the globe right now, I have decided to push back what I had planned for today and simply talk about where and how we can all be of help…

Yoga Alters Your Gene Expression!

I’ll bet that’s a surprise, huh? I admit, when I first saw those headlines, I was skeptical. Even though I see firsthand every day how much Yoga helps our physical health, I didn’t understand the “why.” Now that it makes so much sense, I wonder why someone hadn’t discovered this information long ago. For years…

Make 2017 Your Best Year Yet!

With the start of each new year, many of us take an inventory of what we’ve accomplished in the past year, contemplate where we’d like to go this year, and then set some goals for ourselves. It’s a tradition that has been around for at least as long as I’ve been alive… The problem is…

Simple Tips To Nurture Yourself During The Busy Holidays!

I’ve been chatting with people and asking questions during the last few weeks about how one views the end of the year. I found that the majority of people look at December as a month of parties, shopping, children’s holiday programs, and in the north, snow and cold. Most people I spoke with were not…

Enjoy Festive Food And Drink Without The Guilt!

The holidays are here! Are you ready for Italian cookies, fruit cake, egg nog, latkes, candied yams, or one of my favorite holiday traditions, my sister’s, pecan tassies? Wow, that’s a whole lot of extra calories! I don’t deny myself, and it’s not necessary for you to, either; just use a bit of restraint. Instead…