healthy simple summer picnic recipe

Easy Picnic Recipe – Caprese Salad Kabobs!

This is soooooo easy, yet looks quite festive, tastes delicious and is healthier than many of our old time picnic recipes! Caprese Salad Kabobs! Ingredients: 12 appetizer skewers 24 fresh cherry tomatoes 12 cherry sized mozzarella balls (vegans can use artichoke chunks or plump mushrooms). 1 medium zucchini, cut into chunks Handful of fresh basil…

organic doesn't mean expensive

A Less Expensive Way To Eat Organic All Year Long

Most docs today recommend, organic when possible, grass fed animal protein, etc. It doesn’t have to be expensive if we grow at least some of our own. As I write this, the sun is shining, all my windows are open, tulips have livened the front yard, and the buds have opened on all the trees…

No Diet Weight Loss

No Diet Weight Loss? YES!

Have you ever wondered why the latest diets or work out plans just don’t work for you? You are not alone. Lots of us over the age of 50 are discouraged when attempting to figure out HOW to get back into shape. There is so much information about this work out, that work out, Keto…

Is The Mediterranean Diet Really A Diet?

Ever wonder why it’s so easy to eat healthier in the summer? Perhaps it’s the fresh fruits and vegetables that surround us in summer. I do find that all the veggies and fruits from my favorite farm stand, which I know were picked the morning I bought them, taste better than anything I can buy…

What Is a Healthy Fat and HOW MUCH Is a Serving?

I often get asked about fat free diets and what is a good vs. bad fat. Also, people don’t seem to know what a serving truly is. So, I have put together some info for you today that is short and sweet and easy to remember. You can even print this and keep it in…

Do You Stand At Attention, or At Ease…?

Remember when we were kids and were taught how to “stand up straight”? It was a raising of the shoulders, pushing them back and down, then sucking in the gut… Well, thanks to technology, we know a lot more about the body now, and this is not the way to treat our bodies! Today’s video…

How NOT To Get Old…

It’s funny how sayings take on different meanings as we age, isn’t it? Several years ago, when someone would tell me “Don’t get old,” I’d laugh and say that the alternative isn’t too good. Recently, I’ve been thinking about that phrase and realized that I pretty much cringe when people say this. So, why has…

Fun Exercise To Relax Your Lower Back

Let’s spend a few minutes looking for Dory on the bottom of the sea! Yes, you heard that right. This exercise is called “Sea Weed Legs” and it’s a fun way to remove the tension in your lower back. You can even do it with the grandkids for a fun activity to share; they’ll love…