Restrictive Diets Don’t Work

Spring is in the air, even if the snow is still on the ground in Otis… With the warmer days and later sunsets comes the desire to get in shape for shorts and tanks. Many of us have put on our “winter weight,” like hibernating bears. For me, it’s the holiday season and my birthday…

How to Exercise After Age 50 – It’s Easier Than You Think!

Happy New Year! Did you stay up to watch the ball drop? Most of my friends did not. I watched the Sydney, Australia fireworks on You Tube and then went to bed. We don’t stay up as late as we did when we were younger. Patterns and habits change as we age. Mostly that’s good…

Personalized Exercise Programs Are Not Just For 20 yr olds!

50, 60, 70 are so much more than milestone birthdays, yet I’ve heard many women say things like, “I don’t want to be 70! Don’t have a party or make a big deal about my getting old!” My feelings are that, YES, we should be celebrated! Not because we’ve managed to live that long, but…

Age Related Muscle Loss – Can You STOP It?

All the trees are fully covered in pretty leaves now, and my tulips are (at last) blooming! Perhaps this time it’s truly the start of spring weather? Fingers crossed… Today, I’d like to talk a bit about the “age related” muscle loss that we experience during and after menopause. And, more importantly, what we can…

Top Recommendations for Beating Post Menopausal Weight Gain!

Ever wonder why the post-menopausal weight gain that settles around your middle is so tough to lose? One could say that weight gain for women over 50 starts a downhill slide that brings many other health issues, like high blood pressure, diabetes, poor posture, and breathing difficulties, which just makes us feel bad about ourselves.…

Why Exercising Outdoors Makes us Feel So Good!

Spring is coming! Yesterday was the first day of spring on my calendar. It’s hard to imagine that, since the Nor’easter that passed through the other day brought us an additional 33 inches of snow here in Otis… I AM loving the fact that my lovely sunsets are happening a bit later each day. Sunsets…

Got Five Minutes? Reduce Insulin Spikes!!!!

Good news for all post-menopausal women who don’t like to exercise for long periods – running, biking, etc. A new study has shown that five minutes of movement every half hour reduces insulin spikes after eating by 60%!  That’s quite a big bang for your five minutes! And the people in the study didn’t run…

How post menopausal women go from overweight and stressed to fit and healthy!

Only three more days until we start a brand new year! My wish for the new year is that we all have a safe and peace filled 2023. In 2022 I began offering a new training to help post-menopausal women lose weight, get more sleep, and have more energy. As I complete my year-end review,…