What we put in and on our bodies is just as important as exercising!

A friend recently asked my input on a shampoo and conditioner that she was using and that she liked. This reminded me that it’s been a long time since I talked about safe and healthy skin care products, so today we’re going to look at this important part of healthy aging. In 2012, when I…

How to Exercise for Better Brain Health After 50

Have you been worried about keeping your brain fit as you age? We all have. Alzheimer’s has been so much in the news and so many of our family members have suffered or are suffering with this terrible disease. The good news is that medical science is finding out more about it every day. As…

How to Exercise After Age 50 – It’s Easier Than You Think!

Happy New Year! Did you stay up to watch the ball drop? Most of my friends did not. I watched the Sydney, Australia fireworks on You Tube and then went to bed. We don’t stay up as late as we did when we were younger. Patterns and habits change as we age. Mostly that’s good…

How do you keep fit in winter?

The first snow of winter is fun for most of us. We dream of making snowmen, skiing, sledding, etc. However, the joys of winter get old fast, the older I get. Flus and colds, dry skin, static flyaway hair, the lack of energy… Many people are already down in the dumps after more than three…

Best Exercises to Build Muscle when 50+

Building muscle is one of the most important things that those of us over 50 need to incorporate into our weekly exercise routines. Since muscle loss begins around 30, we’ve already been losing muscle, and we don’t want to become frail. In fact, most of the 50, 60, 70 yr. olds that I know are…