Brain experts speak – Simple tool to recharge your brain!

This past week I found myself feeling worried about many things. The future of our country, climate changes that caused an unusual two-week dome of stifling humidity, the power grid taking banks and businesses temporarily off line, a friend hospitalized. It seemed like a lot all at once. Then, as often happens, my friend and…

Are YOU Getting Enough Magnesium?

Do you take a magnesium supplement? If so, which one, and why? If you tested low on Magnesium or Vit D or another supplement, did your doctor recommend that you take a supplement? We’ve known for many years that magnesium is important for our hearts, but did you know it’s very important for the health…

How to Exercise for Better Brain Health After 50

Have you been worried about keeping your brain fit as you age? We all have. Alzheimer’s has been so much in the news and so many of our family members have suffered or are suffering with this terrible disease. The good news is that medical science is finding out more about it every day. As…

Foods for Alzheimer’s Prevention

Happy 4th of July!!!!! Nothing says summer like 4th of July! So, if you are grilling or picnicking tomorrow, or any time this summer, please keep in mind the items that you’ve decided to cross off your list of foods to eat. Last newsletter listed the five worst offenders, and hopefully, you’ve chosen one to…

Food IS Medicine – Use it to Prevent Alzheimer’s!

For those of us over 60, Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias, are the most dreaded of illnesses. Many of us have seen our parents or other family members waste away from these devastating diseases and we don’t want to go that way! Today is the first of a two-part series on how food can help…

Hearing Loss Can Increase Your Risk For Dementia!

A couple of weeks ago, I found myself having a difficult time hearing what people were saying. I was asking everyone to repeat what they were saying and I found that quite frustrating. Instead of wondering why everyone was mumbling, I began to wonder if I should get my hearing checked! It just so happened…

Which Exercise is Best For Your Brain?

For those of us over 60, giving our brain a workout means playing a board game, or doing a puzzle; but what about physical activity? Is aerobic activity more important for keeping our brain healthy than playing games? New research from the University of Iowa’s Brain and Cognition Lab has demonstrated that physical activity helps…

How To STOP Eating Processed Foods

As much as I hate to see this, summer is fleeting, and the season of “pumpkin everything” is approaching! This week we’ll discuss the dangers of processed foods before you start thinking of pumpkin shakes, muffins, and beer… Last week more evidence that highly processed foods harm us. This time the study found that these…