Health and Wellness and Beauty products and services

Brain experts speak – Simple tool to recharge your brain!

This past week I found myself feeling worried about many things. The future of our country, climate changes that caused an unusual two-week dome of stifling humidity, the power grid taking banks and businesses temporarily off line, a friend hospitalized. It seemed like a lot all at once. Then, as often happens, my friend and…

Time for Summer Shenanigans!

Did you have a lovely 4th of July week if you live in the US? We did – from picnics to fireworks on the lake to live music, it was wonderful. I love the first week of July on the lake! Summer is so short in New England that we have to enjoy it while…

Are YOU Getting Enough Magnesium?

Do you take a magnesium supplement? If so, which one, and why? If you tested low on Magnesium or Vit D or another supplement, did your doctor recommend that you take a supplement? We’ve known for many years that magnesium is important for our hearts, but did you know it’s very important for the health…

Summer Activities – Walking Meditation in Nature

I was thinking… About my beautiful neighborhood; the birds, foxes, rabbits, hummingbirds, gofers, coyotes, and, happiest place of all – the LAKE! I often write in the newsletters and in Facebook posts about kayaking, boating, gardening, and other adventures here in my “Beautiful Berkshires.” I call this my own little paradise. And that’s how I…

Best Sun and Bug Protection for Summer!

Sunshine is here, and summer is on its way! Yay! Are YOU Ready? Got your sunscreen handy? Apparently, I was not ready last week. We had a lovely outside Yoga class and I didn’t bring my sunscreen. Got a little red nose to show for it! I almost always wear a hat as well, but…

How to Exercise for Better Brain Health After 50

Have you been worried about keeping your brain fit as you age? We all have. Alzheimer’s has been so much in the news and so many of our family members have suffered or are suffering with this terrible disease. The good news is that medical science is finding out more about it every day. As…

How to Exercise After Age 50 – It’s Easier Than You Think!

Happy New Year! Did you stay up to watch the ball drop? Most of my friends did not. I watched the Sydney, Australia fireworks on You Tube and then went to bed. We don’t stay up as late as we did when we were younger. Patterns and habits change as we age. Mostly that’s good…

It’s OK to Eat That Pie!

I’ll bet you’re surprised by that title, huh? It really does mean that you allow yourself whatever treat you enjoy over the Holidays, just not every day for every meal… I have always loved pumpkin pie, but for several years I have been cow dairy free, and more recently, gluten free as well. BUT I…