Time for Summer Shenanigans!

Did you have a lovely 4th of July week if you live in the US? We did – from picnics to fireworks on the lake to live music, it was wonderful. I love the first week of July on the lake! Summer is so short in New England that we have to enjoy it while…

Gardens, Weeds, Masks and COVID

Well, we’ve reached the “dog days” of August. And, it’s hot in the Berkshires. I’ve been spending every possible moment outside to take advantage of summer this year. My vegetable garden is doing well, but the flower garden has been taken over by weeds. Every year I find it difficult to keep on top of…

It’s National Grilling Month, Picnic Month, and Peach Month – Yummmm

How’s your July going? Is the weather cooperating for summer swimming, picnics, gardening, hiking, etc.? Are you growing some of your own veggies, this year, while we’re all practicing physical distancing? Or maybe you’ve joined a CSA and you’re receiving a box of delicious, fresh veggies each week? My garden is growing like gangbusters! We’ve…

Swollen Feet And Ankles? New Allergy Symptoms? What’s Up?!

This summer has definitely been one of changing weather patterns for us, here in the Berkshires. Many more of those dreaded “dog days of summer!” And not as much yield from my garden as I would have liked, nor even as much as I had last year. In addition, I have had lots of people asking…