What Can Stop Chronic Stress?

How are you feeling this week? Are you getting outside and enjoying any nice weather that comes your way? Are you tired of listening to the discouraging news stories on TV and the internet? Are you anxious about family members going through tough times? I was a bit stressed last week when the agency that…

It’s OK to Eat That Pie!

I’ll bet you’re surprised by that title, huh? It really does mean that you allow yourself whatever treat you enjoy over the Holidays, just not every day for every meal… I have always loved pumpkin pie, but for several years I have been cow dairy free, and more recently, gluten free as well. BUT I…

Stress Overload and how WE can take care of ourselves

Ahhhhh, the sounds and smells of summer: birds chirping, kids splashing and laughing, grills sizzling and smoking. And all of us relaxing more than we allow ourselves to during the rest of the year. Yay! I think maybe I can finally put my fleece lined jeans away… 😊 I’m hoping to also put away my…

Why Exercising Outdoors Makes us Feel So Good!

Spring is coming! Yesterday was the first day of spring on my calendar. It’s hard to imagine that, since the Nor’easter that passed through the other day brought us an additional 33 inches of snow here in Otis… I AM loving the fact that my lovely sunsets are happening a bit later each day. Sunsets…

Redefining Chronic Stress and How to Cope

Welcome to July!  And, warmer weather! YAY!  At Last! No more stressing out about the cold. Maybe I can actually put my fleece lined jeans away this week!? Speaking of stress, Dr. Sarah McKay is a neurobiologist that I follow. She recently made a good point about stress in the body that I’d like to…

Get a good night's sleep

Is Sleep Impossible for Those over 50?

I was happy to read that June is National Appreciation month. An entire month for us to contemplate all that there is to appreciate in our lives. What’s at the top of YOUR list? There is so much to be grateful for that I feel I could fill an entire notebook! Here’s my gratitude “shout…

National Gratitude Month – I am grateful for… a scratchy throat?! (NOT)

OK, this is a difficult. A scratchy throat is something we’ve all had at some point in our lives. I had one last week, and it’s not easy being grateful for that! I was drinking hot tea while making poached eggs for breakfast. We like to add a bit of wilted spinach to our poached…

How To Be At Peace With Ourselves and Others No Matter What This Election Brings…

This is a difficult time for all of us. It feels like the hate and violence is escalating, and peace of mind becomes harder to find. I especially feel it right this minute as it has hit here, too close to home. Last week a friend of mine set up a display of large round…