It’s OK to Eat That Pie!

I’ll bet you’re surprised by that title, huh? It really does mean that you allow yourself whatever treat you enjoy over the Holidays, just not every day for every meal… I have always loved pumpkin pie, but for several years I have been cow dairy free, and more recently, gluten free as well. BUT I…

Essential tools for your guilt free Holiday eating!

Next week is Thanksgiving already! The other day, I was thinking about how some of my recipes have changed over the years. I have always loved pumpkin pie, but for several years I have been cow dairy free, and more recently, gluten free as well. I still get to eat my pumpkin pie, and I…

Delicious Gluten-Free Pumpkin Pie!

I LOVE pumpkin pie and the holidays are coming, so here’s my recipe – ENJOY! Ingredients: 15 oz can pumpkin puree ¾ tsp ground cinnamon ½ tsp ground nutmeg ¼ tsp ground ginger ¼ tsp ground cloves ½ tsp coarse salt ¾ cup sugar 12 oz can of evaporated coconut milk 2 eggs slightly beaten…

gluten free cake

It’s Election Day – How About a Piece of Delicious Gluten Free Chocolate Cake?

At last, it’s election day. If you haven’t voted yet, please do. Change only happens when we all do what we can to make it so. And when the results come in, if you don’t like the results of the election, please go here to read a recent post on how to deal with whatever…

Fabulous Gluten Free Chocolate Cake!

Here is my favorite Chocolate Cake recipe. I bring it to parties all the time and people LOVE it! They don’t have any idea it’s Gluten Free! Ingredients: 2 1/2 cups Bob’s Red Mill Gluten Free Flour (NOT the one with the xanthum gum already included) 1 tsp Xanthum gum 1/2 cup plus 1 tbsp…