Do we really need 10,000 steps a day?

In recent years there has been a lot of buzz about taking 10,000 steps a day for cardiovascular health. Well, it turns out that this particular goal was rooted more in advertising new pedometers than in real science. The pedometers that were introduced at that time tracked 10,000 steps… Since then, several studies have been…

Happy Halloween – Ditch the candy and eat more healthy fat!

Lately my articles have talked about the exercises that I recommend for people over 50, but what about foods? How much are the foods we eat affecting our aging brain and body? Turns out – a lot! Healthy Fats for Brain and Heart Health. YES, there are healthy fats that we SHOULD be eating!Many of…

Best Exercises to Build Muscle when 50+

Building muscle is one of the most important things that those of us over 50 need to incorporate into our weekly exercise routines. Since muscle loss begins around 30, we’ve already been losing muscle, and we don’t want to become frail. In fact, most of the 50, 60, 70 yr. olds that I know are…

Personalized Exercise Programs Are Not Just For 20 yr olds!

50, 60, 70 are so much more than milestone birthdays, yet I’ve heard many women say things like, “I don’t want to be 70! Don’t have a party or make a big deal about my getting old!” My feelings are that, YES, we should be celebrated! Not because we’ve managed to live that long, but…

Why Exercising Outdoors Makes us Feel So Good!

Spring is coming! Yesterday was the first day of spring on my calendar. It’s hard to imagine that, since the Nor’easter that passed through the other day brought us an additional 33 inches of snow here in Otis… I AM loving the fact that my lovely sunsets are happening a bit later each day. Sunsets…

How post menopausal women go from overweight and stressed to fit and healthy!

Only three more days until we start a brand new year! My wish for the new year is that we all have a safe and peace filled 2023. In 2022 I began offering a new training to help post-menopausal women lose weight, get more sleep, and have more energy. As I complete my year-end review,…

BMI is NOT a reliable tool to diagnose obesity!

I was just reading an article about BMI and why it should no longer be used as an accurate measure of obesity. This article reminded me of one of my friends who was upset a few months ago when her doctor said she was classified as “Obese.” I was looking at her and thought –…

Has Your Doctor Said “Lose Weight to STOP Back Pain?”

Fall begins in two days. Summer went much too fast, but then, it usually does! Fall in the Berkshires is a good time to get out walking or hiking again, though! Do you like to hike in the woods? Just getting outside for a walk can relieve your stress and make you feel more energized.…