Do we really need 10,000 steps a day?

In recent years there has been a lot of buzz about taking 10,000 steps a day for cardiovascular health. Well, it turns out that this particular goal was rooted more in advertising new pedometers than in real science. The pedometers that were introduced at that time tracked 10,000 steps… Since then, several studies have been…

Best Exercises to Build Muscle when 50+

Building muscle is one of the most important things that those of us over 50 need to incorporate into our weekly exercise routines. Since muscle loss begins around 30, we’ve already been losing muscle, and we don’t want to become frail. In fact, most of the 50, 60, 70 yr. olds that I know are…

Build muscle after 50 with Isometric Exercises!

I used to think that isometric exercises were something that you needed machines or straps to do. However, isometric contractions occur when your muscle(s) is held in a static position. Examples of isometric exercises include wall squats, planks, or any position that you can maintain and hold for an extended time. No machine necessary! Since…