Happy Halloween – Ditch the candy and eat more healthy fat!

Lately my articles have talked about the exercises that I recommend for people over 50, but what about foods? How much are the foods we eat affecting our aging brain and body? Turns out – a lot! Healthy Fats for Brain and Heart Health. YES, there are healthy fats that we SHOULD be eating!Many of…

Decadent, Delicious Disease Prevention with Dark Chocolate!

Do you know the difference between the facts and fiction regarding chocolate’s effect on the heart, brain, and overall health? Lots of Facebook posts this week have been from happy people buying discounted Valentine’s Day chocolate. Certain holidays have deep associations with chocolate: Valentine’s Day, Easter, Passover, Halloween, to name a few. From white to…

Irish Blarney for St. Patrick's Day

A Bit of Irish Blarney?

March is Irish American Heritage and National Celery month. Yes, you read that correctly, a month dedicated to celery! Well, it is green, so I guess it fits in with Irish American heritage… It’s also my birthday month and I’m having a Facebook fundraiser for the No Kid Hungry Program. Click this link if you’d…

Irish food, St Patricks Day

My Favorite Irish Stew – Yummmmmmm!

This stew is so good that I don’t wait until St. Patrick’s Day to serve it, but have it often throughout the winter! Here’s the recipe: 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil 1 pound lamb, cut into chunks, bones removed (used for the bone broth) 2 lg. red potatoes, peeled and cut into quarters 4 stalks celery,…

National Self Care Month – AND Popcorn Poppin’ Month!?

You know, these online sites that tell us what the observances of the month are have gotten a bit ridiculous. I used to check them each month and there were a handful of meaningful dates and events like Breast Cancer Awareness month listed. Now, you get things like: National Pickled Peppers Month National Pizza Month…

Is Your Bath Soap Toxic For Your Brain?!

Let’s talk about brain health for a moment. None of us wants to lose our memories to dementia diseases, like Alzheimer’s; BUT what are you personally doing to keep yourself safe from products that can harm your brain and/or other products that are linked to cancer? I know you don’t want that disease either! In…

Best Breast Cancer Prevention

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month Let’s talk about breast cancer. It’s the most common cancer affecting women in the US, which means it’s time to think more about prevention. Environmental toxins, stress, and the food we eat can increase our risks for all cancers. Why not do anything and everything possible to keep ourselves…

The 4 Lies The Food Industry Is Selling Us!

Today I have a guest post from my friend and colleague Dr. Mark Hyman: Food can energize, heal, repair, and uplift us. Every bite you take creates a powerful opportunity to create health or promote disease. Unfortunately, most of us find nutrition confusing. While many things play into that confusion, misinformation, poor reporting, and personal…