Ginger, Ginger Everywhere!

Drink ginger tea during these weeks of, uhh, overindulgence. As we head into the holidays. If you are eating, more than usual, when you wake up in the morning feeling like that overstuffed chair in grandma’s living room, don’t follow it up with French toast for breakfast; try sipping ginger tea until your stomach feels…

Diets Don’t Work!

Last week’s news release of a study that proved diets don’t work made headlines, but in my opinion, should not have. Anyone that’s been on one knows that once you stop, you gain the weight back. Who needed a scientific study to tell us this!? All four of the top diet programs, Atkins, Weight Watchers,…

Foods For Cancer Prevention

In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month, let’s talk food for better health! Most people know that berries are high in antioxidants, which help prevent cell damage; and that foods like nuts and cold water fish are high in Omega 3’s, which help prevent inflammation, in turn, keeping our brains and hearts healthy. But are you familiar with phytonutrients? Phytonutrients…