Stress Overload and how WE can take care of ourselves

Ahhhhh, the sounds and smells of summer: birds chirping, kids splashing and laughing, grills sizzling and smoking. And all of us relaxing more than we allow ourselves to during the rest of the year. Yay! I think maybe I can finally put my fleece lined jeans away… 😊 I’m hoping to also put away my…

Looking for a delicious, low sugar summer recipe?

Most of you know that I LOVE my garden. I dream of what and how I’ll plant during the winter months. Then I purchase some seeds, and in Spring, I can’t wait to prepare the garden and plant the seeds and plants. Now is the time to harvest the fruits of my labor and I…

How To Be At Peace With Ourselves and Others No Matter What This Election Brings…

This is a difficult time for all of us. It feels like the hate and violence is escalating, and peace of mind becomes harder to find. I especially feel it right this minute as it has hit here, too close to home. Last week a friend of mine set up a display of large round…

In The Mood For Some GOOD News?

Good morning, With bad news headlines hitting us constantly these days, I thought I’d share a couple of good news articles with you today, and then open a discussion about how to find joy in difficult times. Butterflies in the UK have been brought back from extinction! Scientists worked for 40 years with butterfly larvae…

Has COVID-19 Changed Your Perspective?

Is “Quarantine 2020” causing you to change your perspective on a few things? Let’s all take this time to look closely at how we were living before COVID-19 and what changed during this epidemic that we might want to keep in our schedules. Are you finding out that home schoolers are well supported, learn better,…

Your Immune System Health Has NEVER Been As Important As Now – COVID-19

Today is World Health Day – I hope that you are all staying home and staying healthy! This is a stressful time in our lives, for sure. It’s difficult to find a balance between keeping informed and remaining calm. At this point, we all know someone who is immune compromised – either due to asthma,…

What Inspires You?

Nature never fails to inspire me. I LOVE being outside, admiring the beauty around me. Fortunately, I live in “Narnia” this time of year and there is sooooo much to love here. Did you know that the electromagnetic field of mother earth matches our human electromagnetic field? And that our constant use of electronics (smart…

National Self Care Month – AND Popcorn Poppin’ Month!?

You know, these online sites that tell us what the observances of the month are have gotten a bit ridiculous. I used to check them each month and there were a handful of meaningful dates and events like Breast Cancer Awareness month listed. Now, you get things like: National Pickled Peppers Month National Pizza Month…