How do you keep fit in winter?

The first snow of winter is fun for most of us. We dream of making snowmen, skiing, sledding, etc. However, the joys of winter get old fast, the older I get. Flus and colds, dry skin, static flyaway hair, the lack of energy… Many people are already down in the dumps after more than three…

Halfway Through Winter – Time For Winter Weight Loss!

On Feb 2, we passed the half way point between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox, yay! That means we are more than halfway through the darkest days of the year and getting closer to more light. Soon, we’ll be saying “see ya” to old man winter! For those who pay attention to Punxsutawney Phi and…

How To Beat The Pandemic Winter Blues!

The first snow of winter is usually fun. We dream of making snowmen, skiing, sledding, etc. However, the joys of winter get old fast, the older I get. Flus and colds, dry skin, static flyaway hair, the lack of energy… Many people are already down in the dumps after two years of this epidemic, not…

Let's make smore's

Have you lost your joy? Want to LAUGH more?

Have you lost the joy in your life? When was the last time you laughed, truly hard? Has the pandemic and resulting quarantines, social distancing, not going out to eat all winter, etc., gotten to you? Well, you’re not alone. It’s been sooooooo long since we’ve been able to do many of the activities that…

BBQ’s and Brain Food – Choose Healthy Summer Picnics

Last post we talked about the relationship between chronic pain and our brain health. Today let’s examine some delicious, fresh and in season foods that benefit our brains. Maybe even re-think our summer picnics and go back to planning “old fashioned” picnics. When I was a child, we ate what was in season. I find…

Simple steps CAN boost your immune system and fight COVID-19!

Low-level chronic inflammation, associated with lifestyle, is found in most common diseases like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and obesity. By now, we’ve all heard that COVID-19 has a mortality rate that increases with these pre-existing conditions. In those who are most susceptible, the virus creates an acute and severe form of inflammation referred to…

Has COVID-19 Changed Your Perspective?

Is “Quarantine 2020” causing you to change your perspective on a few things? Let’s all take this time to look closely at how we were living before COVID-19 and what changed during this epidemic that we might want to keep in our schedules. Are you finding out that home schoolers are well supported, learn better,…

Your Immune System Health Has NEVER Been As Important As Now – COVID-19

Today is World Health Day – I hope that you are all staying home and staying healthy! This is a stressful time in our lives, for sure. It’s difficult to find a balance between keeping informed and remaining calm. At this point, we all know someone who is immune compromised – either due to asthma,…