Does Insomnia Go Hand In Hand With Getting Older?

So many people are talking about the lack of good sleep that seems to go hand in hand with getting older. There are some nights I can’t seem to fall asleep even though I know I’m exhausted, so I know how frustrating that can be. First, I want to tell you that there are LOTS…

What Did I Come In Here For?

How is your short term memory these days? Long term memories, like movies and songs from our childhood, seem to stay with us. But how often during the week do you walk into a room to get something and forget exactly what it was that you went in there for? I find myself doing that…

More Snowdays!!!!

Another big storm hit the Berkshires this week! And school closings are driving parents crazy. I don’t know about you, but I don’t remember so many snow days from my childhood. Either school officials call off school more quickly these days or my memories of snow days have gotten mixed up with other childhood memories…

Mindfulness Made Easy

We all know that life doesn’t always go the way we intend. In fact, little and big surprises seem to be always popping up, but when we learn to deal with them in a calm way, the road is less bumpy. Here are a couple of simple tools for relieving anxiety that take very little…

15 Minute Fitness Challenge!

Have you done a 30 Day Challenge yet? They’re quite popular, and fun! They’re also a great way to start a new workout plan because when you complete anything for 30 days, you have a much better chance of making it a permanent new habit; so let’s get started! Here’s my recommendation for those of…

Ever Want to Just Hibernate?

Freezing Rain, Snow, Sleet, Wind – Winter has arrived… Seems a bit early this year, but perhaps it’s just that I’m not looking forward to several more months of this. 🙁 While we don’t actually hibernate like bears, there are some things we can do to prepare ourselves for the long winter months. Here are…

‘Tis The Season For Over-Indulgence!

Speaking of over-doing, the holiday season is a time when many of us overbook ourselves and become pretty stressed out. I have one word for you: no. Learn how to say “no.” It’s difficult at first, but after a while you’ll feel a lot happier for not overbooking, overcooking, overworking, etc., and then it becomes…

Diets Don’t Work!

Last week’s news release of a study that proved diets don’t work made headlines, but in my opinion, should not have. Anyone that’s been on one knows that once you stop, you gain the weight back. Who needed a scientific study to tell us this!? All four of the top diet programs, Atkins, Weight Watchers,…