Are YOU Getting Enough Magnesium?

Do you take a magnesium supplement? If so, which one, and why? If you tested low on Magnesium or Vit D or another supplement, did your doctor recommend that you take a supplement? We’ve known for many years that magnesium is important for our hearts, but did you know it’s very important for the health…

How to Exercise for Better Brain Health After 50

Have you been worried about keeping your brain fit as you age? We all have. Alzheimer’s has been so much in the news and so many of our family members have suffered or are suffering with this terrible disease. The good news is that medical science is finding out more about it every day. As…

Exercises to Prevent Both Alzheimer’s AND Muscle Loss!

Did you have a nice Memorial Day weekend (those in the US)? Ours was lovely. Nice weather, parades honoring those who gave their lives for the freedoms that we enjoy, and good food. Today, I’d like to talk a bit about muscle loss. Have you heard of sarcopenia? It’s like osteoporosis, only for muscles instead…

Which is Better for Your Brain? Dancing or Walking

How are you all doing today? I have to admit, I’m really, really tired of all this rain. I’m visualizing pushing it out to the west coast to help drown the fires out there… After a year and a half of staying inside due to COVID, it’s difficult to accept this dreary weather. I think…

chronic pain inflammation

What Do Alzheimer’s Disease and Chronic Pain Have In Common?

Summer is time for gardens and yard work. I love my gardens, but I know it’s a lot of back breaking work. Many people over 40, that I know, suffer from chronic back, neck, or shoulder pain all summer, from spending long days working in their yards and gardens. That’s not good for our bodies,…

weigh loss for women

Alzheimer’s – Test Your Knowledge!

Hard to believe, but in a few days, September will be upon us. September is World Alzheimer’s Awareness month. I know it can be an uncomfortable topic, but let’s talk about Alzheimer’s for a moment. Do you know the risk factors for developing Alzheimer’s? Genetics is one – Scientists have found that having the ApoE…

What meditation can do for your mind, mood, and overall health

As a meditation teacher and someone who has studied the science of meditation, I am not surprised by the latest news story of schools replacing detention with meditation! I will say that I am delighted to hear that meditation is finding a way into schools in the US. In cultures where meditation is simply something…

Don’t Let Chronic Worry/Stress Bring on Early Dementia!

Take a minute to think about how much time you spend worrying. It’s important. Are you stressed out and worried all the time? Most of the time? Some of the time? Rarely? Chronic worry can paralyze us and bring on anxiety disorders. New studies have shown that “Chronic stress is associated with impaired functioning of…