Meditation for Stress Relief and better health and well being

Summer Activities – Walking Meditation in Nature

I was thinking… About my beautiful neighborhood; the birds, foxes, rabbits, hummingbirds, gofers, coyotes, and, happiest place of all – the LAKE! I often write in the newsletters and in Facebook posts about kayaking, boating, gardening, and other adventures here in my “Beautiful Berkshires.” I call this my own little paradise. And that’s how I…

What Can Stop Chronic Stress?

How are you feeling this week? Are you getting outside and enjoying any nice weather that comes your way? Are you tired of listening to the discouraging news stories on TV and the internet? Are you anxious about family members going through tough times? I was a bit stressed last week when the agency that…

Do You Know How to Prevent Alzheimer’s?

I just found out that next Tuesday, May 31st is National Meditation Day! Cool! Let’s Meditate together. I’ll be live on Facebook at 9 am (eastern) for a loving kindness mediation. Join me if you can, here! And, speaking of meditation, one of the benefits of a regular meditation practice is hanging on to…

Mother’s Day Gift that Mom will Savor – Meditation Training!

Mother’s Day this week! The first few months of this year are certainly flying by. This year on Mother’s Day, would you like to: Have more energy? Sleep better at night and feel rested in the morning? Get rid of those nasty stress hormones causing you to age prematurely? Of course, you would! Well, a…

How to Get Anxiety Relief Quickly

How are you feeling this week? Are you getting outside and enjoying any nice weather that comes your way? Are you tired of listening to the bad news stories on TV and the internet? Are you anxious about all the businesses that don’t have enough staff to stay open? Want some quick anxiety relief? I…

Get a good night's sleep

Is Sleep Impossible for Those over 50?

I was happy to read that June is National Appreciation month. An entire month for us to contemplate all that there is to appreciate in our lives. What’s at the top of YOUR list? There is so much to be grateful for that I feel I could fill an entire notebook! Here’s my gratitude “shout…

Self-Care During an Epidemic – Light UP Your Life!

OMG – it’s December already! OK, I admit it, I’ve had my outdoor holiday lights up for a few weeks. I LOVE the holidays, and, truthfully, 2020 has not been the best of years. We need some cheering up – right?! Wow, we’ve been distancing for so long I feel like I might break when…

How to be Resilient in This Stressful Political Climate

The dictionary says resilience is “the ability to recover from, or adjust easily, to misfortune or change.” How then, can we become resilient during the ongoing political turmoil currently in our country? Knowing that hate mongering and lying will get worse as we get closer to November’s election, how can we remain resilient? Can we…