Foods For Cancer Prevention

In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month, let’s talk food for better health! Most people know that berries are high in antioxidants, which help prevent cell damage; and that foods like nuts and cold water fish are high in Omega 3’s, which help prevent inflammation, in turn, keeping our brains and hearts healthy. But are you familiar with phytonutrients? Phytonutrients…

How a Gratitude Journal Can Reduce Stress

How many of you are participating in the current Gratitude Challenge making its viral debut through Facebook? If you are, I’m sure you are noticing a difference in your mental clarity and overall sense of wellbeing. That’s because when we take a few minutes each day to allow ourselves to feel grateful for the many…

Natural Treatments for High Cholesterol

This is another guest post by my friend Carolyn Dean MD ND The Huffington Post is an online site that attracts millions of viewers. But nobody took much interest in an article titled “PCSK9 Inhibitors: New Class Of Cholesterol Drugs Shows Promise In Trials.” Since only 9 people shared it on Facebook. I think this…

What is an Accountability Partner?

One of the things I recommend in my coaching programs is having an accountability partner. So far, no one I have mentioned this to has any idea what this is, but everyone who has tried this system, loves it! An accountability partner is a friend, coworker, or relative (not a spouse) who also wants to…

How To Turn A Bad Day Around Fast!

Have you ever had one of those days where you got off to a really bad start? Perhaps your alarm didn’t go off or you didn’t hear it, then you proceeded to spill coffee on your new shirt, and then you got stuck behind a school bus… Your bad day picked up momentum as it continued and…