Health and Wellness and Beauty products and services

Treats For Mother’s Day

This coming Sunday is Mother’s Day in the United States – are you ready? What I have found over the years is that the item that many grown kids think is Mom’s favorite gift, is not really what she’d like to have the most. In spite of what Hallmark tells us, maybe flowers aren’t her…

What meditation can do for your mind, mood, and overall health

As a meditation teacher and someone who has studied the science of meditation, I am not surprised by the latest news story of schools replacing detention with meditation! I will say that I am delighted to hear that meditation is finding a way into schools in the US. In cultures where meditation is simply something…

7 Sweet Ideas For Your Valentine

Happy Valentine’s Day, fellow Boomers! The first thing I thought about when Valentine’s Day was coming around again is that after so many years together, it’s difficult to find a gift that is different or “inspired.” So, of course, I did a bit of research and found some cool ideas to share with you today.…

Are You Living With An Invisible Illness?

Recently, one of my students was having some shoulder and arm pain, and her primary care physician was not able to help her. She asked if I had any ideas. Well, since I also knew that she’d been having some trouble with swollen feet and ankles recently, (which her doc told her was due to…

What Is a Healthy Fat and HOW MUCH Is a Serving?

I often get asked about fat free diets and what is a good vs. bad fat. Also, people don’t seem to know what a serving truly is. So, I have put together some info for you today that is short and sweet and easy to remember. You can even print this and keep it in…

Swollen Feet And Ankles? New Allergy Symptoms? What’s Up?!

This summer has definitely been one of changing weather patterns for us, here in the Berkshires. Many more of those dreaded “dog days of summer!” And not as much yield from my garden as I would have liked, nor even as much as I had last year. In addition, I have had lots of people asking…

Breathing is Underrated!

You probably didn’t know that next week is National Capture the Sunset Week. Personally, I don’t believe anyone could actually capture something as beautiful as the sunset. Here in Otis, we have gorgeous sunsets every night all year long. I have attempted many times to photograph this natural beauty, but my pictures do not do…

Have You Heard of International Yoga Day?

Yoga originated in India over 5,000 years ago, now that’s staying power! On December 11, 2014, The United Nations declared June 21, to be International Yoga Day. This date was selected because it is the longest day of the year and holds special significance in many cultures. Cool! It’s also pretty easy to celebrate both the…