Health and Wellness and Beauty products and services

Foods that help build muscle!

Did you know that more than 600 muscles work together as a team, every day, to keep your body moving and its internal systems functioning? The rhythm of your breathing, pumping the blood through your body, and keeping your organs functioning properly are all the responsibility of your muscles. It’s easy to see, then, how keeping the…

Halfway Through Winter – Time For Winter Weight Loss!

On Feb 2, we passed the half way point between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox, yay! That means we are more than halfway through the darkest days of the year and getting closer to more light. Soon, we’ll be saying “see ya” to old man winter! For those who pay attention to Punxsutawney Phi and…

How To Beat The Pandemic Winter Blues!

The first snow of winter is usually fun. We dream of making snowmen, skiing, sledding, etc. However, the joys of winter get old fast, the older I get. Flus and colds, dry skin, static flyaway hair, the lack of energy… Many people are already down in the dumps after two years of this epidemic, not…

No Stress Holiday Eating!!!! Yes, It’s Possible.

‘Tis the season for eating tons of treats that don’t show up at any other time of year! We all have a tendency to fall out of the healthy eating habits that we are mindful of during the rest of the year. Bring on the eggnog, holiday cookies by the hundreds, pies, mini cheesecakes, oh,…

Childhood Memories of snow and laughter!

Winter’s first snow arrived last week here in the Berkshires. A pretty white blanket to cover the hard brown ground all around. Remember when we were kids and we’d get so excited for the first snow? I remember putting on our snowsuits and running outside with my brothers to lie down in the snow and…

What do diet and exercise have to do with pain remedies?

Happy November! Thanksgiving is just around the corner! I recently received a question asking what all this information about food and daily exercise has to do with my expertise in ways to end chronic pain. This is a good question! Firstly, food is medicine. The more we all hear that, and understand that, the sooner…

Looking for a delicious, low sugar summer recipe?

Most of you know that I LOVE my garden. I dream of what and how I’ll plant during the winter months. Then I purchase some seeds, and in Spring, I can’t wait to prepare the garden and plant the seeds and plants. Now is the time to harvest the fruits of my labor and I…

Zucchini Caserole Recipe

Ingredients: 6 tablespoons unsalted butter 2 quarts zucchini/leek puree (recipe at bottom) 3 large cloves garlic, chopped 1 red pepper, chopped (optional) ¼ tsp. cayenne pepper (optional) ¼ tsp Thyme also goes well with this dish (optional) 1 sleeve of Ritz crackers, crushed 8 oz sharp Cheddar, grated (or any hard goat cheese that you like. I…