What we put in and on our bodies is just as important as exercising!

A friend recently asked my input on a shampoo and conditioner that she was using and that she liked. This reminded me that it’s been a long time since I talked about safe and healthy skin care products, so today we’re going to look at this important part of healthy aging. In 2012, when I…

Aack! I’m Being Eaten By A Tick?!

Scientists are predicting we’ll be inundated with insects this year – oh joy! I found a tick on me last weekend; can I tell you how much I HATE ticks?! It was not a deer tick, just a brown dog tick, but creepy nonetheless. Another one was on the dog when she came in from…

To Gluten or Not To Gluten…

Have you thought about going gluten free? Have you wondered what all the buzz is about? Well, I have just reached my one year anniversary of being gluten free. I originally went gluten free to see if it would help my psoriasis. Sadly, it has not. There have been other benefits that I hadn’t counted…

Do You Trust The FDA?

  What do you think of when someone mentions the FDA?  Do you believe that they are a watchdog agency that truly looks after our best interests? Or do you, like me, think the FDA has been laying down on the job for the last few decades? Here’s some interesting news that you may have…

Does Anyone Really Need Mommie’s Little Helper?

Today’s post may be considered controversial, but I feel the need to talk about wine. Specifically, all the women who are being lead to believe by the wine industry that they deserve “Mommie’s little helper,” after a long day taking care of children, home, work, etc. Every day there are memes that show up on…

Does Menopause NEVER End?!

After menopause some symptoms hang on or come back to visit. I’ve recently received some questions about why this happens and what can be done to alleviate these symptoms. Here are some useful practices that can bring balance back to your life. Extra adipose (fat) tissue can act as an endocrine organ, producing more estrogen…

Try Peaches For Healthy Summer Grilling!

Nothing beats a 4th of July grill fest!  Someone always brings a pie or cake decorated as a flag… BUT, my favorite is grilled peaches. So sweet, juicy and delicious! Try them and you’ll be hooked too! Grilled Peaches – Yummmmmmm! Ingredients: 4 ripe peaches, cut in half with the pit removed 2 TBSP Butter…

Want Younger Looking Skin? Of Course You Do!

It’s been a while since I wrote Beautiful Sexy Skin For Women Over 40, and since then I’ve found another natural product that I really love, which I’d like to share with you today. A couple of months ago I began to use BADGER Damascus Rose Face Oil, and I fell in LOVE right away,…