Fitness products and services for people over 40

What Do Snowshoes and Brain Health Have In Common?

This past weekend, I tried out my new snowshoes. Saturday was a glorious day in the Berkshires – I didn’t even need my big arctic coat! It didn’t take long before my heart was pumping right along with my arms, and it was fun to breathe in air that didn’t freeze my lungs on its…

Is Brain Degeneration Avoidable? – YES!

Did you know that scientists predict that the number of people with dementia and Alzheimer’s will triple in the next few decades? The most important NEW information is that this is not a disease of age, or something that everyone just gets In fact, memory loss is not a “normal” part of aging at all.…

Is Your Butt Tight?

Is there such a thing as a “too tight butt”? I couldn’t resist asking that one, but the answer is, YES; especially when one cheek is tighter than the other. Perhaps you have a diagnosis of Piriformis Syndrome? Well, that’s what this diagnosis means. Your piriformis muscle on one side is tighter than on the…

Are You Off Balance?

Is your doctor still handing out pain meds like they’re the only solution that works for back pain? Well, I’m here to tell you that you have other options that are safer! Today, I’ll be starting a conversation about how your hip/pelvic area becomes uneven, and what you can do about it. Over the next…

Is A Pain In The Butt Ruining Your Holiday Season?

Chronic Pain shrinks the grey matter in your brain. Studies have shown this, but those who are in pain didn’t need science to prove it – you know it! It’s difficult to smile or laugh when you’re in pain, and as time goes on you can’t even think clearly. Today, I’ll talk about two things…

Halloween Fun Just For You!

Recently, a reader remarked that much of what I discuss and share in these posts is very serious. Although I attempt to bring a bit of humor into my writing, it’s true that relieving back pain or preventing dementia is something that I take very seriously, and I share anything I learn which can help…

Surefire Way To Accomplish Your Goals by Year End!

Wow, today is 10-17-17. That seems crazy to write. How did it get to be 2017? Where have I been since singing along with Jimmy Buffet “where the party will be on Jan 1, 2001”? The years have flown by and now I’m 65. (Paul McCartney reached this age long before I did, and he…

Use New Brain Science To Finally Achieve Those Out Of Reach Goals!

Life is always surprising. Sometimes in a good way, other times, not… This past week, the surprise I received was very exciting! I got a note from my friend and colleague, Dr. Mark Hyman, about a new telesummit he’s going to offer in January called “Broken Brain”. At first, I giggled, and then I sent…