Fitness products and services for people over 40

It’s Earth Day – Go Out And Play!

Happy Earth Day! I know that most headlines on major news networks give a picture that looks pretty grim for the health of our mother earth, so I wanted to give you a few that give us hope instead. Here’s a headline about a group of scientists and engineers who have designed a wall for…

Play Ball To Relieve Your Sciatica! Check It Out!

With all the headlines today about the opioid epidemic, and the addictive properties of prescription pain meds, we are all looking for better alternatives. Anyone who has ever suffered from sciatica, or any type of chronic pain, will do just about anything to get rid of that pain. The problem is that most doctors aren’t…

Do You Suffer From Smartphone Neck?

Wonder why neck and shoulder injuries and pain are on the rise?  Not a surprise if we take a step back and watch all the people around us sitting in their cars with their head down as they text – hopefully in a parking lot! Or, having to get out of the way of people…

women over 50

How To Take Back Control of Your Health!

I have seen quite a few over 65’s, lately, who are frustrated with what is happening to their bodies – suddenly, knees and hips don’t always work the way we want them to. Medicare also kicks in, now, and we have to choose a supplemental plan, which, I admit, was quite confusing for me; what…

What meditation can do for your mind, mood, and overall health

As a meditation teacher and someone who has studied the science of meditation, I am not surprised by the latest news story of schools replacing detention with meditation! I will say that I am delighted to hear that meditation is finding a way into schools in the US. In cultures where meditation is simply something…

7 Sweet Ideas For Your Valentine

Happy Valentine’s Day, fellow Boomers! The first thing I thought about when Valentine’s Day was coming around again is that after so many years together, it’s difficult to find a gift that is different or “inspired.” So, of course, I did a bit of research and found some cool ideas to share with you today.…