Guess How Much Turmeric You Need To Eat For The Anti-Inflammatory Benefit?

I’ll bet you guessed wrong. So many people are passing around info on Facebook, and other social media, advising us to eat more turmeric; sprinkle it on salads, add to soups, even put it in your oatmeal to reduce inflammation, etc. Not exactly… Here’s the real truth. No one really knows how much of the…

To Gluten or Not To Gluten…

Have you thought about going gluten free? Have you wondered what all the buzz is about? Well, I have just reached my one year anniversary of being gluten free. I originally went gluten free to see if it would help my psoriasis. Sadly, it has not. There have been other benefits that I hadn’t counted…

Enjoy Festive Food And Drink Without The Guilt!

The holidays are here! Are you ready for Italian cookies, fruit cake, egg nog, latkes, candied yams, or one of my favorite holiday traditions, my sister’s, pecan tassies? Wow, that’s a whole lot of extra calories! I don’t deny myself, and it’s not necessary for you to, either; just use a bit of restraint. Instead…

Try Peaches For Healthy Summer Grilling!

Nothing beats a 4th of July grill fest!  Someone always brings a pie or cake decorated as a flag… BUT, my favorite is grilled peaches. So sweet, juicy and delicious! Try them and you’ll be hooked too! Grilled Peaches – Yummmmmmm! Ingredients: 4 ripe peaches, cut in half with the pit removed 2 TBSP Butter…

Healthy Recipe For Rosemary Chicken

  Here’s a delicious recipe that includes Rosemary from Dr. Mark Hyman’s book, “The Blood Sugar Solution.” Lemon Rosemary Chicken with Swiss Chard and Baked Delicata Squash   Ingredients: 2 Tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil 1 Delicata squash halved and seeded (I used Acorn squash) 1 Lg head of Swiss Chard roughly chopped 2 (6…

Healthy Irish Fare

This week is St. Patrick’s Day, and being the good Irish girl that I am, I will be joining my son for his favorite Corned Beef and Cabbage dinner. It’s the one time all year that I eat corned beef, and only a mouthful at that. This is a cured meat, so very high in…

Eat Fat To Get Thin!

I am happy to announce my friend and colleague Dr. Mark Hyman’s new book, Eat Fat to Get Thin. Yes, you heard that right. Mark is talking about the “good fat,” however, not twinkies and triple layer chocolate cake! In addition to rising rates of obesity, cancer, and diabetes, millions of Americans are suffering from what…

Heart Healthy Recipe For Your Valentine!

  Wild Salmon with Rosemary, Sweet Potatoes & Lemon Asparagus (from Dr. Mark Hyman’s Blood Sugar Solution)       Ingredients: 1 sweet potato, peeled and sliced 1 yellow onion, sliced 2 Tblsp extra virgin olive oil Sea salt 1 garlic clove (I love garlic and use 3!) 2 tsp dry mustard Juice and zest…