7 Sweet Ideas For Your Valentine

Happy Valentine’s Day, fellow Boomers! The first thing I thought about when Valentine’s Day was coming around again is that after so many years together, it’s difficult to find a gift that is different or “inspired.” So, of course, I did a bit of research and found some cool ideas to share with you today.…

Want To Lose Five Times More Weight By Training Your Mind?

Good News! Visualization (mental imagery) is a technique used to help people lose weight – with long term success! Recently, Dr. Linda Solbrig and colleagues, from the University of Plymouth in the United Kingdom, conducted a study where they compared a fairly common talking therapy known as Motivational Interviewing (MI) with a novel type of motivational intervention called…

Think that fast bicycle crunch is helping to strengthen your back? Think again!

I hope you all had a lovely Thanksgiving! Mine was excellent! Great food, delightful company, and lots of leftovers. I’m sure you’ve seen those musclebound guys at the gym who do their bicycle crunches so fast, that, by the time you get two done, they’ve done 20. Well, don’t feel the least bit bad about your efforts because that twisting at…

Don’t Let Chronic Worry/Stress Bring on Early Dementia!

Take a minute to think about how much time you spend worrying. It’s important. Are you stressed out and worried all the time? Most of the time? Some of the time? Rarely? Chronic worry can paralyze us and bring on anxiety disorders. New studies have shown that “Chronic stress is associated with impaired functioning of…

Are You Living With An Invisible Illness?

Recently, one of my students was having some shoulder and arm pain, and her primary care physician was not able to help her. She asked if I had any ideas. Well, since I also knew that she’d been having some trouble with swollen feet and ankles recently, (which her doc told her was due to…

Your Back Pain Is NOT In Your Head Or, Is It?…

Almost everyone deals with back pain at some time during their life, and sometimes, when the reason is not obvious, we can be made to feel like we are imagining it. BUT, usually, we are not. Certainly, there are times when physiological pain can be exacerbated by a stressful situation, but in this day and…