New Year's Resolutions

The Longest Year of Our Lives is Ending – What’s Next?

In a couple of days, we’ll be entering 2021 – at last. It does seem like this year has lasted longer than 365 days, doesn’t it? We were not used to staying at home, wearing masks, not being able to eat out, etc. It’s been a long, rough year for all. Some of us have…

Planning A FABULOUS Holiday Season During An Epidemic!

Today, we are halfway through the last month of 2020. Normally, this is a time of year when I take a few days off, enjoy the holiday lights in town, and do a little last-minute shopping so I can see all the many Santas with little ones on their laps… BUT, 2020 is a different…

Self-Care During an Epidemic – Light UP Your Life!

OMG – it’s December already! OK, I admit it, I’ve had my outdoor holiday lights up for a few weeks. I LOVE the holidays, and, truthfully, 2020 has not been the best of years. We need some cheering up – right?! Wow, we’ve been distancing for so long I feel like I might break when…

National Gratitude Month – I am grateful for… a scratchy throat?! (NOT)

OK, this is a difficult. A scratchy throat is something we’ve all had at some point in our lives. I had one last week, and it’s not easy being grateful for that! I was drinking hot tea while making poached eggs for breakfast. We like to add a bit of wilted spinach to our poached…

gluten free cake

It’s Election Day – How About a Piece of Delicious Gluten Free Chocolate Cake?

At last, it’s election day. If you haven’t voted yet, please do. Change only happens when we all do what we can to make it so. And when the results come in, if you don’t like the results of the election, please go here to read a recent post on how to deal with whatever…

Fabulous Gluten Free Chocolate Cake!

Here is my favorite Chocolate Cake recipe. I bring it to parties all the time and people LOVE it! They don’t have any idea it’s Gluten Free! Ingredients: 2 1/2 cups Bob’s Red Mill Gluten Free Flour (NOT the one with the xanthum gum already included) 1 tsp Xanthum gum 1/2 cup plus 1 tbsp…

How To Be At Peace With Ourselves and Others No Matter What This Election Brings…

This is a difficult time for all of us. It feels like the hate and violence is escalating, and peace of mind becomes harder to find. I especially feel it right this minute as it has hit here, too close to home. Last week a friend of mine set up a display of large round…

Turkey Meatball Stew

Turkey Meatball Stew – Fabulous Healthy Recipe!

Nutrien packed dinner that can be made ahead and frozen in single serving containers! Turkey Meatball Stew Ingredients: 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil 1 large onion chopped into small bits 6 or 7 large cloves of garlic (We love garlic!) 1 teaspoon of smoked paprika (try it, you’ll like it) 4 cups of carrots…