222 is a number that is thought to represent the state of perfect balance. According to Carl Jung, it is the union of masculine and feminine principles, or the meeting place between the conscious and subconscious minds. Today is 2-22-22 – lots of 2’s there! I’m wishing perfect balance for us all today! Boosting brain power is on our…
On Feb 2, we passed the half way point between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox, yay! That means we are more than halfway through the darkest days of the year and getting closer to more light. Soon, we’ll be saying “see ya” to old man winter! For those who pay attention to Punxsutawney Phi and…
The first snow of winter is usually fun. We dream of making snowmen, skiing, sledding, etc. However, the joys of winter get old fast, the older I get. Flus and colds, dry skin, static flyaway hair, the lack of energy… Many people are already down in the dumps after two years of this epidemic, not…
Happy New Year to you all! This is a time of year when many people make “resolutions,” although that term has gone out of favor in recent years. Goal setting tips, vision boards, etc. abound! Use anything that helps you take the time to look at what you’d MOST like to see and FEEL in…
‘Tis the season for eating tons of treats that don’t show up at any other time of year! We all have a tendency to fall out of the healthy eating habits that we are mindful of during the rest of the year. Bring on the eggnog, holiday cookies by the hundreds, pies, mini cheesecakes, oh,…
This is one of my favorite recipes for a special dinner! Ingredients: 1 lb. scallops 1 tblsp. sesame oil 1 bunch of arugula (we use about 5 oz.) 1 cup red wine vinegar 1/2 cup toasted sesame seeds salt and pepper to taste Directions: Rub sesame oil lightly on all the scallops, then sear them…
This week is Thanksgiving in the US, a time for us all to remember the many things that we are grateful for. Here’s my list of the Top Seven Things I Am Grateful For: My kids, they are such a blessing in my life My lovely home on the lake, way out in the boondocks…
Happy November! Thanksgiving is just around the corner! I recently received a question asking what all this information about food and daily exercise has to do with my expertise in ways to end chronic pain. This is a good question! Firstly, food is medicine. The more we all hear that, and understand that, the sooner…