What Do You Want Most In YOUR Life Right Now?

What can a Health Coach do for you? One of my most frequently asked questions is, “What, exactly, is a health coach?” When you think about the word coach, you perhaps see Bill Belichick with his headphones, telling Brady what play to use. Or, maybe you think of your high school soccer or baseball coach.…

Irish food, St Patricks Day

My Favorite Irish Stew – Yummmmmmm!

This stew is so good that I don’t wait until St. Patrick’s Day to serve it, but have it often throughout the winter! Here’s the recipe: 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil 1 pound lamb, cut into chunks, bones removed (used for the bone broth) 2 lg. red potatoes, peeled and cut into quarters 4 stalks celery,…

How to be Resilient in This Stressful Political Climate

The dictionary says resilience is “the ability to recover from, or adjust easily, to misfortune or change.” How then, can we become resilient during the ongoing political turmoil currently in our country? Knowing that hate mongering and lying will get worse as we get closer to November’s election, how can we remain resilient? Can we…

Know What’s Causing You To Lose Your Hair?

Ladies – Not only does stress play a large role in causing our skin to age faster, our brain to lose grey matter, and weight gain that we don’t want, but did you know stress causes us to lose our hair as well? Stress can make your hair follicles go into a “resting” phase. When…

How Deep Breathing Heals Your Body

Most of us learned back in high school that breathing is something that our body does automatically, without us thinking about it, so, no need to think about it, right?  Not exactly… We absolutely need to think about our breath – not all the time, but often during the day. We have become a world…

Healthy 2nd Acts – Are YOU Ready?

The other day I was reading an article about all the people who are turning 65 in the next several years and I was delighted with the some of the statistics in the piece! In the past, 65 was heralded as “retirement” age. Recently many “doom and gloom” news stories have been shared all over…

National Self Care Month – AND Popcorn Poppin’ Month!?

You know, these online sites that tell us what the observances of the month are have gotten a bit ridiculous. I used to check them each month and there were a handful of meaningful dates and events like Breast Cancer Awareness month listed. Now, you get things like: National Pickled Peppers Month National Pizza Month…

Chronic Pain Relief

OK, Ladies – Are YOU Ready To Transform?!

How many years have you spent taking care of everyone else – kids, elderly parents, other family members, the people you serve in your career? Have you forgotten about YOU? Time to take care of yourself. But where do you begin? Many of the women who have attended my weight loss course, recently, have discovered…