Balance an Egg on its tip on the Solstice!

My Aunt Millie could balance an egg on its end on the summer Solstice. She insisted that everyone could do it, but only on that day. As kids, we could never manage it at all. As an adult, I looked it up, and sure enough, you should be able to do this; BUT on any…

Shoulder Problems? Here’s Relief!

Yesterday was Memorial Day in the US. Thoughts and prayers for all the families whose sons, daughters, brothers, or fathers, etc., never came home from a war. My prayers are that peace will happen in our lifetime and this loss of life will stop. Current tensions in world politics are not the only reason that…

Bountiful Mosquitoes & Ticks Again This Year – Yuk!

This year scientist are predicting we’ll be inundated with insects – oh, joy! I was out doing some gardening this past weekend, and the mayflies were abundant! They don’t bite, but are quite annoying as they fly into your nose, ears, eyes, mouth – YUK! I didn’t see any mosquitoes yet, but they are never…

Make Like A Tree And Leave…

Did you say that as a kid? I know, I’m dating myself here, but I remember it being said to me in the schoolyard when I was a bit younger – most likely by my little brother!  😊 Well, as adults, we can make like a tree while gaining HUGE benefits for our brain and body. Like…

Do You Stand At Attention, or At Ease…?

Remember when we were kids and were taught how to “stand up straight”? It was a raising of the shoulders, pushing them back and down, then sucking in the gut… Well, thanks to technology, we know a lot more about the body now, and this is not the way to treat our bodies! Today’s video…