National Self Care Month – AND Popcorn Poppin’ Month!?

You know, these online sites that tell us what the observances of the month are have gotten a bit ridiculous. I used to check them each month and there were a handful of meaningful dates and events like Breast Cancer Awareness month listed. Now, you get things like: National Pickled Peppers Month National Pizza Month…

Chronic Pain Relief

OK, Ladies – Are YOU Ready To Transform?!

How many years have you spent taking care of everyone else – kids, elderly parents, other family members, the people you serve in your career? Have you forgotten about YOU? Time to take care of yourself. But where do you begin? Many of the women who have attended my weight loss course, recently, have discovered…

Meet Your Weight Loss Goals And Help Your Brain Too!

Wow! Turn around, and just like that, September is half gone and October is right around the corner. The Holidays will be here before we blink. YIKES! Let’s take some time right now to really take a look at what you’ve accomplished so far in 2019. Have you met the health goals that you set…

weigh loss for women

Alzheimer’s – Test Your Knowledge!

Hard to believe, but in a few days, September will be upon us. September is World Alzheimer’s Awareness month. I know it can be an uncomfortable topic, but let’s talk about Alzheimer’s for a moment. Do you know the risk factors for developing Alzheimer’s? Genetics is one – Scientists have found that having the ApoE…

Is Your Bath Soap Toxic For Your Brain?!

Let’s talk about brain health for a moment. None of us wants to lose our memories to dementia diseases, like Alzheimer’s; BUT what are you personally doing to keep yourself safe from products that can harm your brain and/or other products that are linked to cancer? I know you don’t want that disease either! In…

Is The Mediterranean Diet Really A Diet?

Ever wonder why it’s so easy to eat healthier in the summer? Perhaps it’s the fresh fruits and vegetables that surround us in summer. I do find that all the veggies and fruits from my favorite farm stand, which I know were picked the morning I bought them, taste better than anything I can buy…

Can Modern Technology End Food Shortages?

Yay, it’s summertime in the Berkshires! Fresh produce stands are up in all the towns and farmers markets are filling up with lettuces, summer squashes, tomatoes, cukes, and more. I LOVE summer! My own garden is coming along. I’ll have lettuces ready by the end of the week, and we’ve already picked and eaten fresh…

This Exercise Is Better Than Fireworks!

In the US, nothing says summer is here like the 4th of July celebration! Here on the lake, people begin setting off firecrackers two weeks before, and most years, they continue until Labor Day! Not sure why, since we have our own professional display every year. Every year the property owner’s association collects money to…