Gardens, Weeds, Masks and COVID

Well, we’ve reached the “dog days” of August. And, it’s hot in the Berkshires. I’ve been spending every possible moment outside to take advantage of summer this year. My vegetable garden is doing well, but the flower garden has been taken over by weeds. Every year I find it difficult to keep on top of…

It’s National Grilling Month, Picnic Month, and Peach Month – Yummmm

How’s your July going? Is the weather cooperating for summer swimming, picnics, gardening, hiking, etc.? Are you growing some of your own veggies, this year, while we’re all practicing physical distancing? Or maybe you’ve joined a CSA and you’re receiving a box of delicious, fresh veggies each week? My garden is growing like gangbusters! We’ve…

BBQ’s and Brain Food – Choose Healthy Summer Picnics

Last post we talked about the relationship between chronic pain and our brain health. Today let’s examine some delicious, fresh and in season foods that benefit our brains. Maybe even re-think our summer picnics and go back to planning “old fashioned” picnics. When I was a child, we ate what was in season. I find…

chronic pain inflammation

What Do Alzheimer’s Disease and Chronic Pain Have In Common?

Summer is time for gardens and yard work. I love my gardens, but I know it’s a lot of back breaking work. Many people over 40, that I know, suffer from chronic back, neck, or shoulder pain all summer, from spending long days working in their yards and gardens. That’s not good for our bodies,…

Fight COVID-19 with Exercise!

Happy Summer! Let’s get out there and exercise! According to Harvard Health, regular exercise improves cardiovascular health, lowers blood pressure, helps control body weight, and protects against a variety of diseases. Exercise contributes to general good health and therefore to a healthy immune system. It may contribute even more directly to our ability to fight viruses…

Be the CEO of your own health

Is COVID-19 Causing Your Back Pain?

In the last couple of weeks, I’ve seen evidence that working from home or binge-watching TV during this COVID-19 epidemic brings up another whole set of health issues. More people with back pain than you can shake a stick at! That’s understandable for a couple of reasons – let me explain: Sitting too much by…

Simple steps CAN boost your immune system and fight COVID-19!

Low-level chronic inflammation, associated with lifestyle, is found in most common diseases like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and obesity. By now, we’ve all heard that COVID-19 has a mortality rate that increases with these pre-existing conditions. In those who are most susceptible, the virus creates an acute and severe form of inflammation referred to…