Want to know the secret for a 95% success rate for meeting your goals this year?

Happy New Year’s Eve! Are you celebrating at home or going out tonight? If you go out, drive safely, or UBER! Ned and I are celebrating at home with grilled lobsters, asparagus, and our favorite champagne! Our intention is for 2020 to be the best year ever! We’re planning more travel, more boating, more hiking,…

chronic pain inflammation

What do Back Pain and Meditation Have in Common?

You might think meditation and back pain an odd combination. Let me explain why it’s not. People with chronic pain of any kind, could be back, hip, knee, shoulder, neck, all have one thing in common, STRESS. Being in pain all the time is stressful. When it’s difficult to stand, or sit, or walk comfortably,…

Everything You Always Wanted To Know About…

Hope all who celebrate this holiday had a lovely Thanksgiving, I did! My turkey came out perfectly, shared with my son and his girlfriend; we enjoyed a lovely afternoon. Thankfully, the snow storm held off until after the weekend! I had been sitting in front of the fire, drinking a cup of tea, and deleting…