A Round of Honey For Everyone!

September is National Honey month. Interesting – I wonder if that means my honey, Ned, or the honey I put in my tea? Did you know that honey can help you beat seasonal allergies? Yes, indeed. I have tested it out with many clients, family, and friends, and it works every time! One tablespoon of…

Cold Weather Eating Habits

I plan to keep this body that I have been blessed with in good shape, and in keeping with that thought, I’ll be moving into my fall eating pattern soon. Yogic traditions recommend eating seasonally, as that aligns our body with nature, and is the way to better health. I am one of those who…

What Is Energy Healing?

Energy Healing is on the rise – partly due to people wanting a non- invasive, non-addictive, non-chemical solution for their aches and pains, but also because so many people see results. The ancient methods, treatments, and traditional herbal medicines that have been in use for thousands of years work very well when combined with our…

Technology Not Making Life Easier?!

Well, technology is wonderful, when it works, but when it doesn’t, it can be frustrating – IF You Let It Get To You! Tech glitches prevented me from publishing last week’s newsletter. I didn’t let it get to me, but I have to say that I have only recently mastered that skill. Even now, sometimes…

Easy Tip For Sitting Comfortably In Long Meetings

Is it just me or are meetings getting longer and longer?! Or, maybe it’s just that I am so used to moving all day that I find it difficult to sit for long periods. Well, whatever the reason you may be having pain when sitting for long periods, here’s a simple tip that will help…

Is Your Sunscreen Safe?

My daughter was home over the weekend. We had such a great time. I love when she is around! When she arrived, she emptied out a bag with some items she had purchased for the weekend that include one of the most highly poisonous sunscreens on the market! I couldn’t believe it! How do these…

Neck and Shoulder Injuries On The Rise

Countless people have come in to see me with shoulder problems lately. Some have injured themselves doing push ups or plank, so let’s look at the correct way to do those, as well as some exercises that can improve range of motion, strengthen shoulders, and release the tension that often causes those muscles to tighten…


Can that be true? I did some research and what I found was a surprise to me and will most likely be to you as well. Have a seat, because there is no simple answer here and I will do my best to inform you of my findings.   First, organic means that farmers cannot…