Heal Yourself With EFT!

Do you believe you have the ability to improve your life?Do you actually think things can be better for you, or are you just hoping they will be? Does your wellness toolbox include EFT? Would you like it to? I have talked about EFT (tapping) before, especially about how it is helping thousands of returning…

Do You Have Emotional Freedom?

What does the phrase “Emotional Freedom” mean to you? Have you ever thought about it? Just for a moment, close your eyes and see yesterday’s routine. See yourself waking in the morning, brushing your teeth, eating breakfast, dressing, going off to work, etc. As you walk through your day, notice when your emotions took control of…

Yummy Healthy Recipe With Quinoa

  Today I want to share a yummy recipe for all of those who are taking me up on my 30 day fitness challenge. We’ll be ready for bathing suit season without compromising on taste!     Quinoa “Chowder” with Spinach, Feta and Scallions Ingredients 3/4 cup quinoa (any color) 8 cups water 2 Tbsp…

How To Fit Fitness Into Your Daily Routine

Here are a few more steps that you can take to start 2014 off on the right foot and keep it going! 1.  Brushing your teeth can be a fabulous time to plan a little aerobic exercise. You brush at least twice a day, and most of us also floss, so there’s 3-4 minutes where…

Are We Addicted to Antibiotics?

A very sad report was published the New England Journal of Medicine in 2013. It seems that in 2010 (the year that was studied) doctors prescribed antibiotic drugs for approx 1 in every 4 Americans. Good grief! The survey showed that the most frequently prescribed antibiotic was azithromycin, often used to treat bronchitis. The problem is that…

Crustless Quiche With Healing Spices – Yummy!

This is one of my favorite recipes for Brunch on New Years Day! 4 Large eggs 1 cup crumbled Feta cheese 1 lb Ricotta cheese (I use sheep’s Ricotta) 1 large red onion, thinly sliced 1 cup of shitake mushrooms   1 red pepper 1 cup shredded zucchini 1 lg. bunch of fresh spinach 3…

Alone For The Holidays-Blue Christmas…

This time of year so often seems to fly by for most of us, but perhaps not so fast for Baby Boomers who find themselves alone – perhaps for the first time in many years. The office and neighborhood parties, family visits, shopping, and tree lighting ceremonies can be difficult for someone who is without…