Play Ball To Relieve Your Sciatica! Check It Out!

With all the headlines today about the opioid epidemic, and the addictive properties of prescription pain meds, we are all looking for better alternatives. Anyone who has ever suffered from sciatica, or any type of chronic pain, will do just about anything to get rid of that pain. The problem is that most doctors aren’t…

Think that fast bicycle crunch is helping to strengthen your back? Think again!

I hope you all had a lovely Thanksgiving! Mine was excellent! Great food, delightful company, and lots of leftovers. I’m sure you’ve seen those musclebound guys at the gym who do their bicycle crunches so fast, that, by the time you get two done, they’ve done 20. Well, don’t feel the least bit bad about your efforts because that twisting at…

Your Back Pain Is NOT In Your Head Or, Is It?…

Almost everyone deals with back pain at some time during their life, and sometimes, when the reason is not obvious, we can be made to feel like we are imagining it. BUT, usually, we are not. Certainly, there are times when physiological pain can be exacerbated by a stressful situation, but in this day and…

weight loss for back pain relief

Top 7 Exercises To STOP Low Back Pain!

  Today, I am excited to announce the re-release of my multimedia course, “Top 7 Exercises To Prevent Low Back Pain.” I have helped thousands of people get rid of their back pain. Here’s what Stephen has to say about my program: “I was in such pain when I contacted Kathi that I wasn’t sure…

Ouch! My Aching Back!

The feedback I have been getting from you all lately has been quite gratifying! Each month, I write two posts, with information that I have thoroughly researched and I know it will help you lead healthier lives. Much of what I share has to do with living without pain because I believe that no one…

Bountiful Mosquitoes & Ticks Again This Year – Yuk!

This year scientist are predicting we’ll be inundated with insects – oh, joy! I was out doing some gardening this past weekend, and the mayflies were abundant! They don’t bite, but are quite annoying as they fly into your nose, ears, eyes, mouth – YUK! I didn’t see any mosquitoes yet, but they are never…

Do You Stand At Attention, or At Ease…?

Remember when we were kids and were taught how to “stand up straight”? It was a raising of the shoulders, pushing them back and down, then sucking in the gut… Well, thanks to technology, we know a lot more about the body now, and this is not the way to treat our bodies! Today’s video…

Ouch! Back Pain Again!

Today is the first day of Spring – are you ready? I certainly hope Mother Nature is ready for Spring; we’ve had enough of this white stuff in the last couple of weeks to last well into next winter! Speaking of snow shoveling, quite a few people have come in with back issues in the…