One of the things I recommend in my coaching programs is having an accountability partner. So far, no one I have mentioned this to has any idea what this is, but everyone who has tried this system, loves it!
An accountability partner is a friend, coworker, or relative (not a spouse) who also wants to work on a specific goal or goals. For instance, your cousin Sharon may want to lose ten pounds and you have been desperately trying to get a book written.
The two of you decide that you want to help each other along these paths, so you set your goals and share them with each other. Then you agree to talk regularly (in person, telephone, SKYPE), holding each other accountable for meeting deadlines and completing the steps necessary to make progress toward accomplishing your goals.
You agree to call each other every day, or every other day, to make sure you are each following through on your planned action steps. Each day you plan at least three steps to take toward meeting your goals, share those with each other, and report on those you set the day before. Set a time limit for the call – about five minutes each is typical. Knowing that you’ll be reporting the results to someone provides a tremendous amount of incentive to complete your stated tasks. You’ll be amazed at what you’ll do to avoid having to tell your partner that you did not take action!
It’s important to decide ahead of time HOW you want to be held accountable. For example, my own accountability partner will ask me why I think it was that I avoided taking the action I’d set as a goal the day before. Then we have a short discussion on the fears or interruptions that prevented me from moving forward, and how to best avoid them in the future. I do the same for her.
An accountability partner can make suggestions, share ideas, contacts, information, books they may have read on the subject, etc.
Accountability partners can also provide enthusiasm when your own is waning due to set backs or unforeseen obstacles. The key to a successful accountability partnership is finding someone who is as excited about reaching their goals as you are and is committed to helping you reach them.