Life is always surprising. Sometimes in a good way, other times, not…
This past week, the surprise I received was very exciting! I got a note from my friend and colleague, Dr. Mark Hyman, about a new telesummit he’s going to offer in January called “Broken Brain”. At first, I giggled, and then I sent him a note about how wonderful it is that so many of us are offering programs based on new brain science right now, and how exciting I find that. In my mind, it means that the world is ready for all this new information.
I’ll be sending you info on Mark’s program as the time gets closer, but my own program is opening this month, so I’d like to tell you a bit about it today.
Neuroplasticity is a fascinating science. I can’t stop learning about it! Our brains truly are as pliable as plastic and you can learn to rewire it. So the fascinating part is that we can use this new science to make positive, permanent changes in our behavior that we have been unable to up to now! Imagine, finally being able to accomplish those items on your “Life Goals” list that you’ve tried and tried to do – without success, or with only temporary success.
For instance, let’s say you have attempted to get on a regular schedule of working out for the last several years. Not an easy thing to fit in while raising a family, building your career, etc. BUT, you know that your own health is important, and you don’t want be weak and ill in your golden years, so you keep trying – and failing. By now, you are so discouraged, you believe that you simply don’t have the willpower to meet this goal. That’s definitely NOT TRUE! Willpower has nothing at all to do with your ability to meet this goal.
Your plastic brain is keeping you from the success you want, but the good news is that you can change your brain! I can teach you how to use this new brain science to become your best you!
Here’s a taste of what you’ll get with this course:
- A basic understanding of, and the science behind, using our new knowledge of neuroplasticity to make your brain healthier and increase your chance of success!
- New techniques to help you set a goal in a way that will actually make it easier to achieve.
- Tips to trick your brain into seeing things differently!
- How to use mindfulness techniques to make new pathways and stronger connections in your brain.
- Tools to both recognize AND end that negative chatter in your brain.
- Weekly video calls where we’ll do of some of these techniques together, Q&A, and a bit of laughter thrown in for good measure!
- And much, much more!
Do you want to get off that diet roller coaster?
Or maybe stop the pattern of being late for EVERYTHING!?
Maybe you stress out about too many things and want more calm in your life?
Or, you’re someone who has a hard time saying “no.”
Whatever your goal is, you CAN accomplish it!
Sign up HERE now!
What a few of the past participants have said about this course:
“I really feel like you have given us many tools to use so that we can finally be successful at what we have failed at over and over in the past.
I feel confident that I can continue to overcome the hurdles that made me slip back into my old bad habits and kept me from making a permanent change. I guess the old saying that you can’t teach an old dog new tricks just doesn’t apply here! We can train these old brains to see things in a different light. Love sniffing my scent (mint) it just makes me feel good, like I can go out and conquer anything. I look forward to applying this program to other aspects of my life as well. I thank you for this.” Marsha A.
“Thank you so much for all the techniques and learning opportunities you shared with us! We now have lots of wonderful tools to use for this and future goals. After the breathing practice we did during the last video conference, I feel relaxed, yet invigorated, and look forward to using these tools often. I found this course very valuable and I made great strides for my goal of being on time again!” Maddie T
“You have presented a very thorough program. Some of the highlights for me are EFT, which I have done several times now and I love it! Using scent is another great one for me. This is the first time I have ever thought of actually visualizing another response to a situation and feeling how great that is. Very powerful for me. Meditation also – something as simple as repeating a mantra is very calming. Thank you so much!” Lois P.
Want the same results in your life?
Sign up HERE!
In the meantime, here’s a tiny taste of how you can start right now making new pathways in your brain!
Best of Health,