Chaga Tea tastes a bit like coffee. In fact, when I add a little almond milk, it tastes just like the hazelnut coffee that I used to drink years ago.
If you want to read about the benefits of Chaga, check this recent post. This post also has a short video of our gathering expedition so you can see what it looks like on the trees and a bit about harvesting it. Much more info is available through that know-it-all Google…
So many of my readers asked for more information, so here you go!
To Make Chaga Tea:
Take a piece about the size of a softball and smash it up into very small chunks. We used an old piece of jean material to place the conks in, covered them within the cloth and then pounded them with a hammer. The jean fabric doesn’t tear as easily as others so this method worked for us.
This amount will make 2 cups a day – enough for one cup each for 2 people for about a month.
Place those chunks in a glass or stainless pot filled with water and bring to almost boiling. Simmer for about ten mintues, then remove from heat and strain some into a cup. Enjoy!
You can either leave that pot on the stove and continue to add water each day, or you can strain the whole pot into a jar that you use for your daily cup until it’s gone, letting the Chaga chunks dry in between cooking. Then when your jar is empty, put the chunks back into the pot fill with water again and heat.
Each time, you’ll need to cook the chunks for a little longer – maybe fifteen or twenty minutes more until you get the same dark color and the flavor you like.
Best of Health,