I am happy to announce my friend and colleague Dr. Mark Hyman’s new book, Eat Fat to Get Thin. Yes, you heard that right. Mark is talking about the “good fat,” however, not twinkies and triple layer chocolate cake!
In addition to rising rates of obesity, cancer, and diabetes, millions of Americans are suffering from what Mark refers to as “FLC Syndrome” – that’s when you feel like crap! What most of us don’t know is that this is directly related to the food we eat. Food can harm us or it can heal us.
In his latest book, Dr. Hyman reveals a shocking new medical discovery that turns our understanding of why we get fat and sick completely upside down.
So what is this shocking discovery?
Turns out, if you eat more FAT, you get thin (and reverse heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and more). In other words, just about everything we’ve been told about fat is wrong. Which is why Dr. Hyman has created a powerful Q&A video to celebrate the launch of his new book, Eat Fat, Get Thin. Watch the FREE Q&A Video here.
In this video, Mark answers questions like:
If it’s not fat, what is the true cause of heart disease, diabetes, and disease?
How can we easily differentiate between good and bad fats?
Is butter really good for you?
And how did we get into this big, fat mess?
Over 1,000 people participated in his testing of the Eat Fat, Get Thin 21-Day Plan outlined in this book. The results were powerful. Participants shed weight (as much as 46 pounds!), reduced blood sugar (an average of 23 points), and reported a 69% decrease in ALL symptoms from chronic diseases. Isn’t it your turn?
If you’re ready to lose those stubborn extra pounds, have more energy immediately, and learn how to prevent or even reverse chronic disease naturally, you won’t want to miss this book.
Watch the video (PLUS discover how you can get your copy of Dr. Hyman’s new book and receive up to 9 not-to-be-missed bonus gifts!)
Best of Health,