This hip stretching exercise is called “Through the Hole” because you thread your arm through the hole between your legs like a thread being pushed through a needle. Don’t worry if you can’t do this stretch without pain; I have included a modified version so that you can get some relief without more pain!
This easy-to-do exercise stretches all of the muscles around your hip, lower back and buttocks. When you are in a lot of pain, do your five minutes of muscle relaxation then follow with this exercise.
Lie on your back on the floor with knees bent and your feet flat, about hip distance apart.
Cross your right ankle over your left thigh, and bring your left leg up off the floor, straightening it and pointing the toe if you can (it’s okay to have your left knee bent if that’s more comfortable for you).
Now reach through the hole between your legs with your right arm and reach around the back of your left leg with your left arm until your hands can clasp and gently pull your legs closer to your body.
Check to make sure that your head is still on the floor and your neck is not arched. Tuck your chin in toward your chest a little to straighten out your neck, or place a small pillow under your head as in the photo below. You can also see in this photo that Ned is keeping his right foot on the floor and gently pressing his knee away with his left hand. This is a modified version for those who find it too painful to complete the above exercise.
Breathe deeply for one to two minutes while gently stretching.
Now lower your left leg and repeat with the opposite leg.
Note: Make sure that your ankle is not resting on your knee. Place it on your thigh (as in the picture) or on your shin, but keep it off the knee.
Remember to stretch gently. Only pull your leg as far as you can without pain. A little discomfort is okay, but not pain.