Practicing Yoga has many health benefits – especially for stretching and strengthening your neck, legs and back. Downward facing dog pose balances the entire bladder meridian, which, in Eastern medicine controls the back, neck, buttocks, back of the legs and outsides of the feet. In western terms, it stretches the hamstring, spine and shoulder muscles. Most people love it because it feels really, really good.

Down Dog

Begin standing tall, and as you inhale, lengthen your spine all the way up through your neck.

Next, stretch your arms up above your head and then fold over from your hips with a flat back. Make sure you do not hunch your back – keep it flat. It helps if you stick your butt out a little.

When you’ve gone as far as you can with a flat back, let your head and arms relax down.

Rest in this forward bend for one deep breath to encourage your spine to relax completely.

Now bend your knees slightly and bring your palms to the floor on either side of your feet.

Walk your hands out your mat until you look like an inverted V–raising your hips toward the ceiling while stretching heels toward the floor at the same time.

Breathe deeply for 1 – 2 minutes, relaxing further with each breath.

Bend your knees slightly and come back to standing the same way you folded over – with a flat back.