Happy New Year! My wish is for us all to have a joyous, peaceful, and healthy 2025!
There’s been a lot of discussion in the last couple of weeks about rethinking New Year’s resolutions – either not making them at all, or approaching them differently than we have in the past.
In the past, resolutions have most often focused eliminating habits, like eating less sugar, quitting smoking, or similar goals centered around deprivation. However, for many people, these approaches have not proved successful. A possible shift in thinking would be to add some action into your daily calendar that will help you to create what you really want.
For instance, if you want to lose some weight, first, think about why you want to lose it?
- Do you want to feel better?
- Look better?
- Build muscle?
- Get stronger?
- Demonstrate better health habits for your grandkids?
Next, visualize yourself thinner or stronger, or a size smaller and spend a few minutes reflecting on how you’ll feel when you accomplish that, and identify the steps that you can take to get there.
Lastly, write down your intention, keeping those actions and feelings in mind. Here are some examples:
- I am confident that I will feel stronger by the end of 2025 now that I have added 5 minutes of strength training into my daily calendar.
- Playing pickleball with my grandkids is so much fun now that I am working to strengthen my lower body at least 4 times a week. Adding this my schedule was a brilliant idea!
- My intention is to fit more easily into the clothes that I wore two years ago, and I am taking action to meet that goal by maintaining a 12 hour overnight fast.
- Feeling great is easier now that I measure the amount of protein I get at each meal, making sure it’s the amount my body needs.
By grounding your resolutions in intention and supporting them with a plan of action, you can create meaningful and lasting changes.
Best of Health,
For those who have been emailing me that they are loving my new book, “Age With Grace and Strength,” I would appreciate it if you leave those comments in Amazon as a review! These reviews will help my standings on the bestseller list. Thanks!
Enjoy this video of my neighbor’s goats having their holiday treat – my Christmas tree!