What do diet and exercise have to do with pain remedies?

Happy November! Thanksgiving is just around the corner! I recently received a question asking what all this information about food and daily exercise has to do with my expertise in ways to end chronic pain. This is a good question! Firstly, food is medicine. The more we all hear that, and understand that, the sooner…

Can Modern Technology End Food Shortages?

Yay, it’s summertime in the Berkshires! Fresh produce stands are up in all the towns and farmers markets are filling up with lettuces, summer squashes, tomatoes, cukes, and more. I LOVE summer! My own garden is coming along. I’ll have lettuces ready by the end of the week, and we’ve already picked and eaten fresh…

Is Being “Pain Free” Really Possible?

Is Being “Pain Free” Really Possible? That depends on what those words mean to you. Do I wake up with aches and a bit stiff sometimes? You betcha! I didn’t get to be an adventurous 65 year old without sprains and breaks at some point. BUT, am I pain free? YES! Because I know exactly…